200 mg Testosterone Per Week | Review and Results

Scott Braverman FNP-C

Last Updated September 3, 2024

Scott Braverman FNP-C

 September 3, 2024

Curious about 200 mg of testosterone per week results?

Do you wonder if 200 mg is truly the best testosterone dose for TRT and post-cycle therapy, and how to split up your weekly dose during the week?

Then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we cover everything you MUST know regarding 200 mg testosterone cycles for TRT and “enhanced” users.

We also cover your most important questions, including:

  • Is it dangerous to take 200 mg of testosterone all at once?
  • How effective is 200 mg of testosterone for building muscle?
  • What’s the best place to buy testosterone cypionate and enanthate online?

…And much more!

Our team of experts has analyzed all of the latest research studies to give you fact-based answers to all of your most important questions.

We even cover Derek from More Plates More Dates and his thoughts on taking 200 mg of testosterone per week…

Disclaimer: The contents of Testosterone.org are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to Testosterone.org is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.

Why Take 200 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week?

If you’re researching “200 mg of testosterone per week,” then you probably already know how important testosterone is for men…

Research shows men with above-average or higher than normal testosterone benefits experience the following benefits:

  • Increased muscle mass
  • Lean, athletic physiques
  • Faster recover from workouts
  • Superior sexual performance
  • Improved confidence with women

…And much more!

Unfortunately, millions of men around the world are now suffering from low T. Research shows men’s testosterone level shave been plummeting for the past 50 years, and this trend has no signs of slowing down [1].

It almost goes without saying, but older and younger men with low T often live low-quality lives [2, 3, 4]. They also suffer from the following symptoms [5, 6, 7]:

  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Flabby, unattractive bodies
  • Low confidence with women
  • Poor sexual health
  • Lack of ambition and “drive”

…The list goes on and on!

Fortunately, there are different ways to raise your testosterone levels. Some men choose “natural” methods of addressing low T, including lifting weights, training fight sports, and getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night.

However, the BEST way to raise your testosterone levels is to inject a testosterone medication at least once per week.

And for many men, 200 mg of testosterone per week is the perfect dose for maximizing your testosterone levels, while minimizing any unwanted side effects…

200 Mg Testosterone

Why Take 200 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week?

Are you looking for the fastest, most reliable way to boost your testosterone levels? If so, then weekly testosterone injections are the way to go.

Research shows that testosterone injections work almost immediately, and are much more reliable than “natural” testosterone boosting methods.

So Why Take 200 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week?

Here’s what you need to know: 200 mg of testosterone per week is one of the most common and effective testosterone dosages used by men all over the world. 200 mg per week is enough for most men to boost their total testosterone levels into the optimal range of 800 – 1,200 ng / dl.

Don’t believe the medical professionals who say it’s “OK” or “perfectly normal” to have testosterone levels around 300 ng / dl. If you want to maximize how you look, feel, and perform, then you really want to be in that 800 – 1,200 ng / dl range.

Who Should Take 200 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week?

Based on extensive research, 200 mg of testosterone per week is a PERFECT dose for beginner and advanced testosterone users.

For most men, 200 mg per week falls into the “sweet spot” where you get maximum benefits from your testosterone dose, while avoiding the nasty side effects associated with steroids and “gear” cycles [10, 11, 12, 13, 14].

Taking 150 mg of testosterone per week is appropriate in the following situations:

  • As a maintenance dose of testosterone for TRT
  • For post-cycle therapy (following a steroid cycle)

Most doctors prescribe 100 – 200 mg of testosterone per week for their TRT protocols.

If you are a man interested in testosterone replacement therapy, then there is a good chance your doctor will prescribe this type of dosage. 200 mg of testosterone per week is also commonly used as part of a “post-cycle therapy” following more aggressive testosterone cycles.

200 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week | Results

So what kinds of results can you expect while taking 200 mg of testosterone per week?

200 mg of testosterone per week is probably the most “aggressive” dosage that is commonly used for testosterone therapy and post-cycle therapy.

Most users see immediate improvements in their muscle mass and overall body composition. For example, it’s not uncommon to see users gain 5 pounds of lean muscle mass in the first 2-3 months at this dosage!

The truth is 200 mg of testosterone per week is enough to put most individuals right at the upper end of the 800 – 1,200 ng / dl range for total testosterone. Some users will fall a little bit below 1,200 ng / dl, while others will actually be higher (meaning they are performing an extremely mild steroid cycle).

Users taking 200 mg of testosterone per week can expect the following benefits almost immediately:

  • Improved muscle mass and strength
  • Dramatically increased energy levels
  • Improved sex drive and sexual performance
  • Faster recovery between workouts
  • Improved confidence and mental clarity

So what does the research say about this dose?

The truth is most testosterone replacement therapy protocols use anywhere from 100 – 200 mg of testosterone per week. This means 200 mg per week is at the very upper end of a “therapeutic” dose of testosterone [15].

One study showed that most users taking 200 mg of testosterone per week achieved blood testosterone levels of 1,112 ng / dl.

It’s important to note that the users in this study were taking a medication that blocked their body’s natural testosterone production, meaning the average testosterone reading would be even higher in most individuals.

Many men in this study actually achieve blood testosterone readings greater than 1,200 ng / dl, meaning they were venturing into “steroids” territory [16].

One thing’s clear: 200 mg of testosterone per week is the maximum weekly dose for testosterone replacement therapy purposes. This is enough to truly max out the benefits of TRT, while minimizing the drawbacks.

And for many people, this dose will actually be a mild steroid cycle, meaning they would be better served taking a slightly smaller dose (perhaps 100 – 150 mg per week) [17].

200 Mg Testosterone

200 MG Of Testosterone Per Week | Side Effects

What side effects should you expect while injecting 200 mg of testosterone per week?

The truth is 200 mg of testosterone per week is considered a relatively aggressive dosage for testosterone replacement therapy and PCT (post-cycle therapy). Most experienced TRT doctors will start their patients off at 100 – 200 mg of testosterone per week, so 200 mg is still within the recommended range.

The latest research studies show there are few, if any, side effects when using 200 mg of testosterone per week as part of a TRT protocol.

In the rare instance a patient does experience side effects, they may include [18, 19, 20]:

  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea
  • Chest pressure
  • Skin irritation
  • Gynecomastia

Some of the most common side effects at this dosage include high blood pressure, erythrocytosis (thickening of the blood), and other cardiovascular changes.

Fortunately, these side effects are easy to manage, and can often be handled by donating blood once every 3-6 months to thin out the blood.

How To Inject 200 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week

Let’s say you’re ready to inject 200 mg of testosterone per week… so how do you actually perform the injections? The first thing you have to do is figure out your injection frequency. Most testosterone doctors recommend injecting 1-3 days per week [21].

This is enough to maintain stable blood testosterone levels throughout the week. For example:

  • Option #1: 200 mg one day per week
  • Option #2: 100 mg two days per week
  • Option #3: 67 mg three days per week

Doctors used to recommend injecting once every 2 weeks, but this is considered outdated advice as it results in wild swings in your blood testosterone levels.

By injecting 1-3 days per week, you don’t have these wild swings, and your chances of experiencing side effects goes way down. This is especially important when you are performing a more “aggressive” TRT dose of 200 mg per week.

Now let’s look at the actual steps for injecting. Check it out:

  • Step #1: Wash your hands – this is done to prevent infections while injecting.
  • Step #2: Draw up a dose – the exact amount depends on how often you are injecting. You would use 200 mg for once per week injections, 100 mg for twice per week injections, and so on.
  • Step #3: Aspirate the syringe – this is extremely important for preventing air bubbles from forming in the syringe prior to injecting.
  • Step #4: Prepare the injection site – all you have to do here is wipe your skin with a sterile alcohol pad.
  • Step #5: Inject the testosterone dose – this is simpler than it sounds. You just hold the syringe at a 90 degree angle to your injection site, push the syringe into the target muscle, pull back slightly, and depress the plunger.
  • Step #6: Remove the needle – after you finish depressing the plunger, you carefully remove the syringe from the target area.

Based on the latest research, we recommend performing your injections into the deltoids, glutes, or any other large muscle [22, 23]. Subcutaneous injections are also possible, but the research is still relatively new here.

200 Mg Testosterone

How To Buy Testosterone Online | MUST Read

Where should you buy your testosterone online? In other words, what’s the BEST online testosterone vendor in the world today?

The truth is the internet is full of shady websites that sell low-quality testosterone to unsuspecting users. This isn’t just our opinion, though – the latest research shows a significant percentage of the testosterone sold over the internet is filled with cheap fillers [24].

This is NOT what you want if you are interested in actually getting results. The other problem is buying testosterone online is illegal in many countries without a prescription.

So how do we get around these issues?

In our experience, the best option for most people is to work with a reputable online TRT clinic. Here are some of the advantages of online TRT providers:

  • You get pharmaceutical grade testosterone
  • Your doctor monitors your bloodwork for you
  • They customize your testosterone dose to maximize your results

Best of all, online TRT providers are 100% legal. You get a prescription testosterone medication delivered straight to your door, which means you never have to worry about breaking the law.

Working with an experienced testosterone doctor is also a great way to minimize side effects, and maximize your results [25, 26, 27].

Don’t worry – working with an online TRT doctor is extremely fast and simple. Most online TRT clinics use three simple steps:

  • Step #1: Fill out an online “low T” questionnaire, and go over the results with your doctor.
  • Step #2: Perform a blood test at a local facility to measure your exact testosterone levels.
  • Step #3: Go over the results with your doctor, get your customized TRT treatment plan, and have your prescription testosterone medication shipped straight to your door!

Working with an online TRT provider really is that simple.

And unlike regular doctors, these guys actually know the importance of having optimized testosterone levels, so they are happy to work with you and help you reach your goals.

If you are ready to get started with an online TRT clinic, then here is our top choice:

Sign up for TRT today with our top-rated USA doctors...

Best Natural Test Boosters | That Actually Work

Are there any natural testosterone boosters that actually work? In other words, are there any good alternatives to testosterone injections for raising your natural testosterone levels?

The truth is most natural testosterone boosters do NOT work. They are filled with low-quality ingredients and cheap fillers. They also have very few studies backing their efficacy.

The latest scientific studies show the following about natural testosterone boosters:

  • They have little to no research backing them [28]
  • They may have dangerous long-term side effects [29]
  • They do a very poor job of actually raising your testosterone levels [30]

It’s hard to believe that anyone takes natural testosterone boosters at all!

Fortunately, our team at Testosterone.org was able to find one natural testosterone booster that actually works – Maximus Tribe. And we were SHOCKED by how effective it was!

The main ingredient in Maximus Tribe is called enclomiphine. This is a highly purified and concentrated version of the drug clomid. Enclomiphine works by “tricking” your brain into producing more testosterone naturally.

This almost sounds too good to be true!

Fear not – the latest scientific studies clearly show that Maximus Tribe can boost men’s natural testosterone levels by as much as 200 – 300 points [31, 32, 33]! This is an incredible achievement, and more than enough for most men to see a drastic change in how they look and feel.

Best of all, Maximus Tribe has almost zero side effects, and it is administered with a team of testosterone experts to monitor your bloodwork and your results.

With Maximus Tribe, you know you are in good hands. Here is where you can learn more:

Order Testosterone Booster from our top-rated USA vendor...

Is 200 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week Enough? Verdict

So what’s the verdict… is 200 mg of testosterone per week optimal for testosterone replacement therapy?

Based on the latest scientific studies, 200 mg of testosterone per week is a GREAT dose for testosterone replacement therapy. 200 mg is more than enough to get you into the desired 800 – 1,200 ng / dl range, which is exactly what you want in terms of maximizing the benefits of testosterone, while minimizing any potential side effects.

Of course, some people may be able to get away with as little as 100 mg of testosterone per week.

We recommend working with a reliable online TRT clinic that will monitor your bloodwork for you, and help you optimize your weekly testosterone dosage.

Of course, if you would rather take a powerful over-the-counter testosterone booster then Maximus Tribe is also a great option.


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