Best PCT for SARMs | The Ultimate Guide

Dr. Mike Jansen

Last Updated December 17, 2022


Dr. Mike Jansen

 December 17, 2022


What is the best PCT for SARMs users?

Then you’re in the perfect place, as we detail what SARMs require PCT and which ones don’t.

Then we breakdown the best post-cycle therapy for SARMs researchers.

In this ultimate guide to PCT for SARMs, we answer every question you might have on this topic. Questions like: What is PCT? What are SARMs? Do test subjects involved in SARMs research need PCT after the study?

We also get into the best options for PCT, which SARMs might require PCT, and a whole lot more.

So, if you are a qualified researcher who is studying SARMs, keep reading. Whether you already know a thing or two about SARMs and PCT, or are just beginning research in this area, you are bound to learn something useful from this ultimate guide.

Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.

What is Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)?

SARMs and anabolic steroids have many different applications in medical research [1, 2]. Both of these classes of compounds are known for their ability to increase testosterone levels in test subjects [3].

SARMs and anabolic steroids have been shown to dramatically increase muscle mass, strength and overall athletic performance. However, they are generally not safe to use with research subjects for more than 8-12 weeks at a time.

Researchers have found that the side effects of SARMs and anabolic steroids are minimized when they are used for short cycles, before discontinuing them for longer periods of time. So where does post-cycle therapy fit in?

Hormone Suppression and PCT

After a cycle of research with SARMs, it is common for study participants to experience a suppression of their natural testosterone production [4, 5]. This occurs because the biological systems that regulate endogenous testosterone production are downregulated when exogenous androgens are introduced into the body.

Put more simply, when external sources of testosterone are administered to test subjects, their body typically responds by not producing as much testosterone naturally. This isn’t the only problem, though. In men, testosterone and estrogen (the female sex hormone) are produced in a ratio to balance each other out.

During a SARMs cycle, research subjects will produce more estrogen to balance out their increased testosterone levels. This is ok during the cycle but becomes problematic when SARMs are no longer administered to research participants. The phenomenon just described is referred to as hormone suppression. And in the case of SARMS research, it is not a pleasant experience.

Research participants with suppressed hormones are likely to experience a range of negative side effects related to low testosterone and high estrogen levels, including:

  • Lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction [6]
  • Low energy and depression [7]
  • Difficulty holding onto lean muscle gains achieved during a SARMs cycle [8]
  • The development of gynecomastia, or “gyno”, where the breast tissue becomes swollen and enlarged [9]

When we talk about Post-Cycle Therapy, or PCT, we are referring to the treatment of hormone suppression in test subjects after a cycle of SARMS (or anabolic steroids). There are two primary goals of PCT — to increase the natural production of testosterone and to limit the oversupply of estrogen.

The main methods of PCT involve administering certain bioactive compounds to research participants after a SARMs cycle. We will get into some of the best options for PCT in a moment. But first, let’s dig a little deeper into what SARMs actually are.

What are SARMs?

To give a full description of what SARMs are, we first need to define the term androgen.

An androgen can be any steroid hormone that is involved in the development of male characteristics. Androgens exert their effects by binding to receptor sites throughout the body. In this context, the main steroid hormone, or androgen we are talking about is testosterone.

Testosterone is responsible for many of the changes that occur in adolescence during puberty [10]. It also contributes to the optimum health of men throughout adulthood, regulating things such as sex drive, lean muscle mass, body composition, bone density, and strength, just to name a few.

Traditionally, the main options for treating low testosterone have been anabolic steroids. These are effective at raising testosterone levels, but do so throughout the entire body. This is responsible for the long list of side effects of steroids, which can include things such as acne, prostate issues, increased hair growth, reduced testicle size, and a raft of other health problems [11].

SARMs were developed as compounds that could potentially offer similar benefits as anabolic steroids, but with fewer side effects [1]. Their full name, selective androgen receptor modulators, gives a good indicator of the intention of these molecules.

SARMs were designed to interact with androgen receptors in some parts of the body, like muscles and bones, while not others, such as the heart, brain, and prostate.

Researchers have been conducting experiments with SARMs for many applications, including [12]:

  • Increasing muscle mass
  • Osteoporosis (low bone density)
  • Improving strength and physical performance
  • Diseases of the prostate
  • Low testosterone

There are reports that SARMs have been used in competitive sports, such as bodybuilding. This is presumably because of their muscle-building effects that are comparable to many anabolic steroids [13].

It should be noted that there are several different types of SARMs, all with varying effects. We will cover some of these shortly, including which ones might require PCT.

SARMs Side Effects and Safety Concerns

Like all pharmacological compounds, research with SARMs comes with safety risks and potential side effects. Perhaps one of the main safety concerns researchers need to be aware of, is that there are a limited number of human trials that have been conducted on SARMs.

SARMs were only discovered in the late 1990s, and while there has been a lot of interest in them since then, many current clinical trials are still in the preliminary stages. This means that while we do know of some common side effects and risks, there are still a lot of unknowns about SARMs.

Overall, SARMs do appear to be much better tolerated than anabolic steroids, with fewer incidences of adverse effects [1].

An overview of the possible side effects and concerns includes [3]:

  • Hormone suppression following a cycle (already discussed)
  • Liver damage
  • Stress on the kidneys
  • Headaches, constipation, and nausea
  • Changes in cholesterol levels

SARMs researchers can greatly reduce safety risks by only administering doses that fall within sensible ranges and getting regular blood work for all research participants. Organizing regular medical reviews for test subjects is also advisable to screen for any other health concerns.

Another safety concern comes not from the nature of SARMs themselves, but the quality of products sold online.

In 2018, the United States Doping Agency (USADA) purchased 44 SARM products online and found that over 50% of the products were either contaminated, contained no SARMs at all, or had significantly lower purity than advertised [14].

This indicates that researchers should only use trusted suppliers for SARMs, and they should always be independently tested before being administered to research subjects.

Now, it’s time to explore our best post-cycle therapy recommendations for SARMs.


Best PCT for SARMs | 2023 Guide

Because SARMs are effective at increasing testosterone levels, there is no getting around the fact that many research participants will experience hormone suppression after a cycle. This means that as a responsible researcher, it is essential to be prepared to administer PCT to test subjects.

There are a few options for SARMs PCT, all with certain pros and cons. While it is important to consider the specific needs of research participants, some forms of PCT are more highly recommended because of increased effectiveness and reduced side effects.

To help researchers decide which option is best, we are going to detail our 3 best options for PCT.

Huge Supplements Rebirth PCT

Our top recommendation for a PCT supplement after SARMs research, is an over the counter product with several powerful science backed ingredients.

Rebirth PCT by Huge Supplements is one of the most versatile and effective PCT products on the market.

It contains a potent blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbs, proven to increase testosterone, inhibit estrogen, and help research participants reach a state of hormonal equilibrium after a SARMs cycle.

In Rebirth PCT, we’re talking ingredients with real evidence behind them when it comes to increasing testosterone, such as ashwagandha and tribulus terrestris [15, 16]. It also has compounds shown to reduce estrogen, like DIM and acacetin [17, 18].

Finally, Rebirth PCT has all the vitamins and minerals men need to boost natural testosterone production, like vitamin D3, magnesium, zinc, and boron. Seriously, Rebirth PCT covers all bases when it comes to hormone suppression.

Research participants can also stack it with Huge Supplements Enhance for an even bigger testosterone boost.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the natural ingredients in Rebirth PCT don’t pack a punch like the pharmaceutical options we are going to discuss next – they do.

Each ingredient in Rebirth PCT is included at a clinically effective dose, in a combination that creates a synergistic effect to give maximum results. Just follow the instructions on the bottle for as long as needed and test subjects are bound to be back on track within a few weeks.

Because of the excellent safety profile of everything in Rebirth PCT, it can be administered to research participants for much longer than pharmaceutical options for PCT. It can even be used as a general testosterone booster.

The fact that Rebirth PCT is over the counter, has minimal risk of side effects, and is packed full of science based ingredients, makes it our top choice for PCT for SARMs.

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Tamoxifen, which goes by the more well-known brand name Nolvadex, is a very interesting compound. Nolvadex is a prescription medication that is approved by the FDA for breast cancer treatment. It is classed as a selective estrogen receptor modulator, or SERM [19].

In a way, Nolvadex acts in the reverse manner that SARMs do on testosterone. While SARMs increase the activity of testosterone in certain parts of the body, Nolvadex decreases the activity of estrogen in particular areas.

This makes it fantastic for PCT. Essentially, Nolvadex suppresses the effect of estrogen in the body while the natural production of testosterone ramps back up.

There are two other benefits of Nolvadex PCT that are worth mentioning, though.

Firstly, Nolvadex is particularly effective at blocking estrogen receptors in the breast tissue. This makes it an excellent choice for any research participants who might have symptoms of gynecomastia, or “gyno”.

Secondly, Nolvadex is very effective at increasing the natural production of testosterone in test subjects. It stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone, an essential component of testosterone production in men.

The recommended dosage of Nolvadex for PCT is 20mg per day. Administering higher doses to research participants is unlikely to lead to additional benefits and will greatly increase the chance of side effects.

Generally 4 weeks of Nolvadex is sufficient for PCT after SARMs, however some test subjects may require up to 8 weeks of treatment in cases of more severe hormone suppression. While it is rare for test subjects to report side effects when Nolvadex is administered for PCT, acne, nausea, dizziness, and headaches have been reported as rare side effects.


Another SERM that can be administered to research participants for PCT after SARMs is clomifene, which goes by the brand name Clomid.

Clomid is another FDA approved medication that is mainly used to treat fertility issues in women, but also has some evidence of use as an off-label treatment for low testosterone levels in men [20].

The mechanism of action of Clomid tends to lean more towards stimulating the natural production of testosterone, rather than blocking estrogen like Nolvadex. Clomid is a good option for PCT after SARMs, but some researchers prefer to use Nolvadex in their studies for its effectiveness against gyno and general anti-estrogen properties.

Doses of 25mg of Clomid have been used in human studies to improve testosterone levels for men [21]. It is recommended that researchers trial administering this dose to test participants first. If 25mg is not effective, the dose of Clomid can be pushed up to 100mg (in 25mg increments) if required. The dose should then be reduced back down in 25mg increments per week, returning to 25mg a day for the remainder of PCT.

Clomid is generally administered to test subjects for 4 – 6 weeks of PCT after a SARMs cycle. Reported side effects in the studies on men using Clomid to boost testosterone levels were headaches and abdominal discomfort — both were very rare [21].

Is PCT After SARMs Required?

In general, most research participants will require PCT after involvement in a SARMs study. SARMs are a powerful way to boost testosterone levels. Anytime this is done artificially the chance of hormone suppression is high.

Different factors can affect the individual needs of test participants for a PCT. The type of SARM tested, dosing regime, length of cycle, and individual factors can all influence the level of hormone suppression.

Of all the SARMs, Cardarine and MK-677 tend to result in milder hormone suppression. Even then, it is recommended that researchers arrange hormone tests for study participants after a cycle, as this is the only way to tell for sure whether PCT is required.

While human studies on SARMs are limited, the few available clearly show that the hormone suppression from SARMs can be quite bad.

A study from 2011 administered 3mg of enobosarm (also known as Ostarine, or MK-2866) a day to men for 86 days. Researchers found that on average, men involved in the study experienced a drop of 23% in free testosterone and 43% in total testosterone after the cycle [4].

Another study using Ligandrol had similar results. This study was much shorter — only 3 weeks. After being administered 1mg of Ligandrol per day, test subjects experienced a 55% drop in total testosterone levels. Follow-up hormone tests revealed that it took a full 5 weeks for the men involved in the study to reach normal natural testosterone levels again [5].

If these studies tell us anything, it is that as a rule, researchers should expect that the participants involved in SARMs studies will experience hormone suppression after a cycle.

While self-reports from participants might identify some symptoms of hormone suppression, hormone testing is the only way to know for sure whether PCT is required.


Which SARMs Require a PCT?

As discussed above, most SARMs will result in hormone suppression significant enough that test subjects will require PCT.

That being said, let’s run through some of the more common SARMs to see which ones are more or less likely to need PCT after a cycle.

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine is one of the milder SARMs. Some researchers report that with shorter cycles and modest doses their test subjects have not needed PCT, but for longer cycles it will likely be needed [4].

Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

It is very likely that PCT will be needed after research with Ligandrol. This is one of the most powerful SARMs available. As such, hormone suppression even after a short cycle tends to be quite bad [5].

Testolone (RAD-140)

Testolone is a little milder than Ligandrol, but still tends to result in hormone suppression. Participants in Testolone research will probably need PCT.


Even though it is not technically a SARM, we have included Cardarine here because it often gets referred to as one. Cardarine does not affect testosterone, so does not require PCT.


There’s no getting around PCT with YK11. It is one of the most effective SARMs at increasing testosterone levels, meaning that PCT for all participants involved in research is a must.

Andarine (S4)

Andarine is popular among researchers because it can achieve good results for study participants, without always leading to bad hormone suppression. At low-mid doses for short cycles, test subjects may not need PCT after Andarine research.

Ibutamoren (MK-677)

Another one that is not technically a SARM. Ibutamoren promotes the release of growth hormone, which is often of interest to SARMs researchers. PCT is not required after Ibutamoren because it doesn’t affect testosterone.


Generally considered to be the most potent SARM on the market, it is almost certain that research participants will require PCT after a cycle of S23. It is currently being studied as a potential male contraceptive due to its impressive ability to make rats sterile, so caution is advised with this one! Study participants should be kept to moderate doses in short cycles, and always count on administering PCT [22].

PCT Side Effects?

Fortunately, the side effects of PCT are minimal and not very common.

Of the three options for PCT after SARMs that we covered, Rebirth PCT has the lowest risk of side effects.

Rebirth PCT is made of natural and effective ingredients, which combine synergistically to help test subjects recover from hormone suppression after a cycle of SARMs. All ingredients in Rebirth PCT have good evidence of long-term safety in humans, with minimal risk of any concerning side effects.

Being prescription medications, there is a slightly higher chance of side effects with Nolvadex and Clomid.

Nolvadex is taken by women for several years at a time in breast cancer treatment and is generally well tolerated. The most commonly reported side effects (although still rare) are insomnia, dizziness, headache, and abdominal discomfort [19].

Anecdotal reports suggest that a small proportion of male test subjects administered Nolvadex after SARMs research could experience acne. Because Clomid has been studied in men with low testosterone we have more data about possible side effects.

Overall, Clomid was noted to be very well tolerated, with minimal side effects in men. Headaches and abdominal discomfort were the only potential side effects of note reported in the research [21].

The risk of side effects with any form of PCT can be reduced by administering the lowest effective dose to research participants and only increasing if results are not satisfactory.


Post-Cycle Therapy for SARMs | Verdict

SARMs are a promising group of compounds when it comes to research on increasing testosterone levels and body composition in men.

Most researchers find that when sensible dosing regimens and cycle lengths are followed, test subjects demonstrate impressive results, with minimal incidents of side effects or safety concerns.

It is precise because of their effectiveness, however, that research participants often require PCT after a SARMs cycle. Anytime testosterone levels are increased through an artificial substance, hormone suppression will likely occur once research finishes.

Fortunately, there are several safe and effective options for PCT after a SARMs cycle. Our top recommendation is Rebirth PCT, but Nolvadex and Clomid are also solid choices.

Ultimately, the best option will depend on the individual needs of each test subject. Responsible researchers should examine each option available and conduct hormone testing on test subjects as required.


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