Does Working Out Increase Testosterone? | A-Z Guide

Scott Braverman FNP-C

Last Updated September 3, 2024

Scott Braverman FNP-C

 September 3, 2024


Does working out increase testosterone?

Potentially! Keep reading to learn more about what the clinical data says about working out and testosterone levels.

The reality is…

Exercise plays a MASSIVE role in your overall testosterone levels. In fact, if you’re not working out at least 2-3 times per week, then you might be destroying your natural testosterone production!

In this guide, we’ll explain why you need to be working out to maintain optimal testosterone levels (and the best forms of exercise for raising low T).

We also answer your most important questions, including:

  • How does working out stimulate testosterone production?
  • How many days per week should I be working out?
  • Are there other ways to naturally raise testosterone levels?

…And much more!

Our team of experts has analyzed all of the latest scientific studies on working out and testosterone. This means you are getting science-based information that you can trust on this important topic.

Now let’s get started!

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Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is an important hormone found in both men and women.

However, it is primarily known as the “male sex hormone” due to its crucial role in men’s overall growth and development.

It also plays an important role in the development of male reproductive tissues and secondary sexual characteristics such as muscle mass, body hair, and a deeper voice.

Research has shown that men with higher levels of testosterone may experience the following benefits [1-5]

  • Increased muscle mass: Testosterone promotes muscle growth and maintenance, making it easier for men to build and retain muscle.
  • Reduced body fat: Testosterone helps to reduce body fat levels, particularly in the abdominal area.
  • Improved energy levels: Testosterone plays a key role in maintaining energy levels, helping men feel more alert and energized throughout the day.
  • Improved sexual function: Testosterone is essential for a healthy sex drive and erectile function.
  • Improved mood and cognitive function: Testosterone has been linked to improved cognitive function, including memory, attention, and verbal fluency, as well as an improved sense of well-being.

In addition to its effects on physical and mental health, research has also linked testosterone to men’s overall health and well-being.

Men with higher levels of testosterone have been found to have a reduced risk for obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and more.

Some studies even show that low testosterone levels in men were a more significant predictor of mortality than smoking, diabetes, or obesity!

Does Working Out Increase Testosterone

Exercise and Testosterone Levels | Clinical Data

So what does the scientific literature say about the relationship between exercise and testosterone? In other words, do men who regularly exercise experience a boost in their natural testosterone production?

The short answer is yes, exercise does have a positive effect on men’s testosterone levels.

However, the type of exercise makes a big difference…

Exercise Type and Testosterone Levels

The type of exercise that you perform has a massive impact on your overall testosterone levels.

As a general rule of thumb, weightlifting, martial arts, and other forms of resistance training has the biggest positive effect on men’s testosterone production. Other forms of exercise can also be helpful, but they result in more mild boosts in testosterone levels.

Here is what you need to know:

  • Anaerobic exercises: Activities such as weightlifting, sprinting, and interval training have been shown to cause the most significant increases in testosterone levels due to their high intensity and short duration.
  • Aerobic exercises: Activities like jogging, swimming, and cycling can help maintain or slightly increase testosterone levels, depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise.
  • Flexibility exercises: Practices like yoga and Pilates may have a modest impact on testosterone levels, but further research is needed to confirm these findings.

Acute Effects of Exercise on Testosterone Levels

Several studies have investigated the short-term effects of exercise on testosterone levels. Overall, it looks like exercise does have a noticeable effect on short-term testosterone production in men.

Here are the key findings from the latest research studies [6-8]:

  • High-intensity exercises: Resistance training or sprinting can cause a temporary increase in testosterone levels. This increase is generally short-lived, with levels returning to normal within a few hours after exercise.
  • Exercise factors: The size of the increase in testosterone levels following high-intensity exercise is typically influenced by factors such as exercise intensity, duration, and individual fitness level.
  • Low-intensity exercises: Endurance running or cycling may cause a small, temporary increase or no significant change in testosterone levels.

Long-Term Effects of Exercise on Testosterone Levels

The long-term effects of exercise on testosterone levels in men have also been thoroughly researched.

Here are is a summary of the findings [9-11]:

  • Resistance training and HIIT: Consistent engagement in resistance training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to have a positive effect on baseline testosterone levels in men, particularly when combined with a balanced diet and sufficient rest.
  • Aerobic exercise: Moderate-intensity, long-duration exercises such as running or swimming may help maintain or slightly increase testosterone levels over time.

Factors Affecting the Exercise-Testosterone Relationship

Overall, exercise does appear to have a positive effect on men’s testosterone production. However, some men experience a much larger benefit than others!

Here is an overview of the different factors that can impact men’s hormonal response to exercise, both positive and negative:

  • Age: Testosterone levels naturally decline as men age, so older individuals may experience less significant increases in testosterone levels following exercise compared to younger individuals.
  • Fitness level: Regular exercisers may have a more substantial testosterone response to exercise than those who are new to physical activity or sedentary.
  • Nutrition: A well-balanced diet, rich in nutrients like healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins, can support the body’s natural production of testosterone and enhance the positive effects of exercise.
  • Stress and sleep: Chronic stress and lack of sleep can negatively impact testosterone levels, potentially diminishing the benefits of exercise on hormonal balance.

Overall, the latest research papers clearly demonstrate the positive relationship between exercise and men’s total testosterone levels.

Exercise produces both a short-term and long-term increase in testosterone production, with resistance training offering the biggest overall benefit.

Does Working Out Increase Testosterone?

Overall, exercise does indeed have a positive effect on men’s testosterone levels. However, the extent of this impact varies depending on factors such as exercise type, intensity, and individual factors.

So how can you use exercise to maximally boost your natural testosterone levels? Here’s what you need to know:

Choosing the Right Type of Exercise

To get the most out of your workouts in terms of testosterone production, it is essential to focus on the right types of exercises.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Resistance training: Engage in weightlifting exercises that target major muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows. These exercises have been shown to stimulate the most significant testosterone release.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT): Incorporate short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief recovery periods. This type of workout has been proven to increase testosterone levels effectively.
  • Combine aerobic and anaerobic exercises: Mix moderate-intensity, long-duration aerobic exercises (such as jogging, swimming, or cycling) with high-intensity, short-duration anaerobic exercises (such as weightlifting or sprinting) for a well-rounded fitness routine that supports healthy testosterone levels.

Optimal Exercise Intensity and Duration

To maximize the testosterone-boosting effects of exercise, it is important to consider the intensity and duration of your workouts:

  • Exercise intensity: Aim for a moderate to high intensity during your workouts, as this has been shown to promote the most significant increases in testosterone levels.
  • Exercise duration: Limit your workouts to approximately 45-60 minutes, as excessively long workouts may lead to a decline in testosterone levels due to increased stress hormone production.
  • Consistency: Engage in regular exercise, aiming for a minimum of three to four workout sessions per week to maintain or boost testosterone levels effectively.
  • Recovery: Allow for adequate rest and recovery between workout sessions, as this can help prevent excessive stress on the body, which may negatively impact testosterone levels.

Lifestyle Factors for Maximizing Testosterone Levels

In addition to exercise, consider the following lifestyle factors to maximize your testosterone levels:

  • Nutrition: Consume a balanced diet that includes healthy fats, lean proteins, and nutrient-dense carbohydrates to support testosterone production.
  • Stress management: Practice stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, or engaging in hobbies, to help maintain optimal testosterone levels.
  • Sleep: Prioritize getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night, as sleep is crucial for hormone regulation and overall health.

In conclusion, working out does increase testosterone levels.

With the right approach to exercise type, intensity, duration, and lifestyle factors, you can effectively maximize your hormonal balance.

By focusing on resistance training, HIIT, consistency, recovery, nutrition, stress management, and sleep, you can optimize your workouts to support healthy testosterone levels and overall well-being.

Does Working Out Increase Testosterone

Normal Testosterone Levels In Men

Testosterone is a critical hormone in males, contributing to the manifestation of male characteristics, development of muscle mass, and regulation of sexual performance.

Men’s natural testosterone levels tend to peak around 20 years old, with healthy men having total testosterone levels as high as 800 – 1,200 ng / dl, or nanograms per deciliter.

Here is an overview of what men’s total testosterone levels look like at various age groups:

  • Teenage males: 300 – 1200 ng / dL
  • Young adult males: 300 – 1200 ng / dL
  • Males in their 40s: 252 – 916 ng / dL
  • Males in their 50s: 215 – 878 ng / dL
  • Males in their 60s: 196 – 859 ng / dL
  • Males in their 70s: 156 – 819 ng / dL

These figures demonstrate a broad spectrum of testosterone concentrations.

Unfortunately, men’s total testosterone levelshave been steadily declining for the past 50+ years. In fact, some studies show that men’s total tesotstone levels are declining by about 1% per year!

This is alarming, to say the least.

So far, researchers have identified several potential reasons for this alarming trend:

  1. Environmental influences: Contact with endocrine-disrupting substances present in plastic materials, agricultural chemicals, and other everyday items can impede hormone synthesis, potentially resulting in diminished testosterone levels.
  2. Lifestyle aspects: Sedentary behavior, poor dietary habits, and obesity can adversely impact testosterone creation. Engaging in regular physical activity, upholding a healthy body weight, and adhering to a well-rounded diet can contribute to maintaining adequate testosterone levels.
  3. Stress: Persistent stress can cause cortisol levels to rise, which might inhibit testosterone generation. Adopting stress-reduction techniques, engaging in physical activity, and obtaining sufficient sleep can facilitate hormonal balance.
  4. Insufficient sleep: Inadequate sleep quality has been associated with decreased testosterone concentrations. Prioritizing proper sleep and adhering to a consistent sleep routine can promote optimal hormone production.

So what are the signs of low T in men? In other words, how do you actually know if you are suffering from low T?

Continue reading to find out…

Signs Low T

Low testosterone, or hypogonadism, can lead to a range of symptoms in men.

Here are some of the most common signs of low testosterone:

  • Erectile dysfunction: Men with low testosterone levels may have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Studies have shown that low testosterone levels are strongly associated with erectile dysfunction.
  • Decreased sex drive: Low testosterone can also cause a decrease in libido, or sex drive. Men with low testosterone may have less interest in sex or find it less enjoyable.
  • Fatigue: Men with low testosterone levels may feel tired and lack energy. This can impact their ability to perform daily tasks and affect their overall quality of life.
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength: Testosterone plays an important role in building and maintaining muscle mass. Men with low testosterone levels may experience a decrease in muscle mass and strength.
  • Increased body fat: Testosterone helps to regulate fat distribution in the body. Men with low testosterone levels may experience an increase in body fat, particularly in the abdominal area.
  • Decreased bone density: Testosterone is important for maintaining bone density. Men with low testosterone levels may experience a decrease in bone density, which can lead to an increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
  • Mood changes: Low testosterone levels can also impact a man’s mood. Men with low testosterone may experience depression, irritability, or difficulty concentrating.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider. There are many research-based solutions for men suffering from low T.

And by far the most effective solution is something called Testosterone Replacement Therapy!

Does Working Out Increase Testosterone

Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy Help You?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the #1 treatment option in the world for men suffering from low T, or low testosterone levels.

TRT involves supplementing testosterone levels in the body to alleviate symptoms such as low libido, fatigue, and decreased muscle mass.

TRT is so powerful, it can help any man achieve the natural testosterone levels of a 20-year-old man!

Research shows that men on TRT experience a myriad of benefits, including:

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease: A study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that TRT can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in men with low testosterone
  • levels.Increased muscle mass: TRT has been shown to increase muscle mass in men with low testosterone levels, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • Improved cognitive function: A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that TRT can improve cognitive function in men with low testosterone levels.

So how do you get started on TRT?

In our experience, the best way to get started on TRT in 2023 is to work with an experienced online TRT clinic.

And the best online TRT clinic in the United States today is undoubtedly Fountain TRT!

Fountain TRT was founded by Dr. Doron Stember, a leading expert in testosterone replacement therapy with decades of experience treating patients with low T.

Dr. Stember founded Fountain TRT with the goal of providing a modern and patient-centric approach to TRT.

Here are some reasons why we recommend Fountain TRT over other qualified testosterone clinics:

  • World-class TRT doctors: Fountain TRT has expert TRT doctors with extensive experience in treating patients with low testosterone levels, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.
  • Easy-to-use online platform: Fountain TRT offers a user-friendly online platform for consultations, prescriptions, and medication delivery, making it simple and convenient to receive TRT services from anywhere.
  • Comprehensive lab testing: Fountain TRT provides comprehensive lab testing to monitor your progress and ensure that your treatment is effective and safe.
  • Affordable pricing: Fountain TRT offers competitive pricing for all of their services, making TRT accessible to more patients who may need it.
  • Exceptional patient support: Fountain TRT offers ongoing support throughout your treatment journey, providing guidance and assistance whenever you need it.

If you’re considering getting started on testosterone therapy, then we strongly recommend working with Fountain TRT.

With world-class TRT doctors, a user-friendly online platform, comprehensive lab testing, competitive pricing, exceptional patient support, and a range of other benefits, Fountain TRT offers a comprehensive and modern approach to TRT that is unmatched in the industry!

Sign up for TRT today with our top-rated USA doctors...

TRT Alternatives

Maybe you’ve stumbled upon some all-natural, over-the-counter testosterone enhancers.

You know — those supplements that promise to significantly ramp up your body’s natural testosterone production.

At, we’re not particularly fond of most natural testosterone enhancement supplements. Here’s why:

  • They lack ingredients backed by research
  • They may cause long-term side effects
  • They’re ineffective at substantially increasing men’s testosterone levels

Thankfully, our team of specialists discovered one natural testosterone enhancer that genuinely delivers results – Maximus Tribe.

Maximus Tribe is a pharmaceutical-grade testosterone augmentation medication. Its primary component is enclomiphene, a refined version of the potent testosterone enhancement drug clomid.

Enclomiphene works by “tricking” the brain into boosting its innate testosterone production.

Studies show that AlphaUnity can raise men’s testosterone levels by an astounding 200-300 points! That level of change can have a HUGE impact on your appearance, emotions, and bedroom performance…

Here are just a handful of the scientifically-validated benefits of Maximus Tribe:

  • Decreased body fat percentages
  • Enhanced daily vigor
  • Boosted self-assurance
  • Better mental well-being
  • Quicker recovery post-workouts
  • Improved sexual wellness

So, what’s holding you back?

Reach out to the professionals at Maximus Tribe today and prepare to transform into a brand new man!

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Verdict | Does Working Out Increase Testosterone?

So, what’s the ultimate verdict – does working out increase testosterone?

In other words, can engaging in regular exercise lead to a noticeable increase in testosterone levels?

After reviewing numerous scientific studies, it’s apparent that the link between working out and testosterone levels is more substantial than one might think.

Exercise can indeed have a positive effect on testosterone production, but various factors influence the extent of this impact.

Here are three key findings from the research:

  • The type of exercise matters: High-intensity workouts, resistance training, and short rest intervals have been shown to contribute more significantly to increased testosterone levels.
  • Consistency is crucial: Regular exercise is essential to maintain and enhance testosterone production, while inconsistent or infrequent workouts may not yield the same results.
  • Overall lifestyle plays a role: Diet, sleep, and stress management also affect testosterone levels, highlighting the importance of a well-rounded approach to maintaining hormonal balance.

The relationship between working out and testosterone levels is evident, and it’s essential to consider the broader context when examining this subject.

For those dealing with low T, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can provide numerous benefits, including increased energy, improved muscle mass, and an enhanced sense of well-being.

If you’re pondering TRT, we strongly recommend contacting a trustworthy online TRT provider like Fountain TRT.

Many men who initiate TRT often remark, “Why didn’t I get started with Fountain TRT sooner?”

So what are you waiting for?

Contact Fountain TRT today and get ready to feel like a whole new man!


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